March 15, 2007

Under the Sea

Two weeks ago, a group of divers went swimming and picture-taking off the coast of the Dominican Republic. Their photography subjects were a mother humpback whale and her baby, which had been sleeping on the mother’s back. The diver who videotaped the event explained, “[The other divers] were basically right on top of the whale.”

...In response, the baby became frightened and the mother whale duly protected her offspring, resulting in one diver’s broken femur and another diver breaking ribs and being knocked unconscious. The diver with the broken leg is planning on doing it “again in a heartbeat.”

...Some whale experts are concerned about the impact on the whales that increased human contact might have. One study showed that whale-watching boats and divers bothered the whales so much that their food intake dropped by 18 percent.

...We can assume that these divers wouldn’t mind having people stop by their homes for the afternoon to photograph them for a few hours, can’t we? I mean, they’d be supportive of having a camera crew show up to film them in their natural habitat without permission, right?

ABC News